Serving the Arkansas
Electrical Industry
Since 1980

Maintaining high standards for the community and electrical industry
ELA seeks to develop a spirit of mutual respect, esteem and cooperation among all branches of the electrical industry. We strive to advocate the safe and efficient use of electrical energy for all useful purposes.
ELA encourages the electrical industry to maintain the highest standards in relation service, quality of materials, and grade of workmanship. We also encourage the public to a better understanding of the advantages and most economical and efficient uses of all electrical materials, and to a proper appreciation of the part the electrical industry plays in civic, industrial, and domestic life of our community.

Join the ELA
ELA membership is not capped at a certain number. We are open to both individuals and corporations associated with the electrical industry, as well as those interested simply in working alongside the Electrical League of Arkansas. Membership dues are paid annually, enabling our organization to cover the expenses of the association, as well as providing lunch for our monthly meetings.
The ELA is governed by a Board of Directors elected annually from the active membership and this provides an opportunity for our members to demonstrate leadership skills for our industry. Participants in ELA meetings and events have represented utility companies and cooperatives, municipalities, professional engineers, architects, product manufacturers, sales representatives, consultants, distribution channels, general contractors, electrical contractors, low voltage system installers, LEED commissioning agents, and integration specialists.